Mac Os X Undefined Symbols For Architecture I386

undefined symbols for architecture arm64 (6)

After struggling with this same problem and following all the accepted answers of updating build settings, clearing the linker search path, etc.. I finally discovered an answer that worked for me.

Mac Os X Undefined Symbols For Architecture I386

Mac Os X Undefined Symbols For Architecture I386 3

Before building, make sure you select right type (iPhone Simulator) instead of iOS Device. Then rebuild. Otherwise, you're trying to use a library built for an iOS device (arm processor) on a simulator on your mac (i386). Should've been obvious, but wasn't.

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: I installed gcc-4.9.2 and tried using it instead of the default gcc, with no luck. I tried using x8664-apple-darwin14.0.0-g-4.9.2 and that did not help either. Mar 27, 2015 Greetings All, I am new to the forums here and hoping to find some assistance from folks that have experience with compiling older FORTRAN code on OS X. I am using the gfortran compiler on Mac OS X 10.9.5 with Xcode version 6.2 and the Xcode command line tools installed. I am performing.




Now, look in the Products group in the Navigator > right click your static library (.a file) > Show in Finder, you'll notice that its in a Debug-iphonesimulator folder instead of Debug-iphoneos. I didn't pay any attention to the folder name originally, or I might have thought of this sooner.

Hope this helps.

I got to build static library. I want to use in my iPhone and ipad app. When I try to run the simulator I get linking errrors. I am new to iOS development. kindly help;

ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/valuelabs/Desktop/DruvaProject/libraries/libnetUtils.a, file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (i386) Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
'_OBJC_CLASS_$_netUtils', referenced from: objc-class-ref in ViewController.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I tried adding i386 in the Architectures. but no luck

Had the same problem, and tried diverse solutions from the page to no avail.I still had a message telling me my library was not build for arm64.

Finally how I resolved it :

  • opened the project.pbxproj for the library in a text editor
  • searched for VALID_ARCHS
  • there were 4 occurrences, 2 of which did not contain arm64
  • I manually added arm64 in the chain (VALID_ARCHS = 'arm64 i386 armv7 armv7s')
  • rebuild the lib and it was all right

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Seems sometimes the build settings displayed by XCode is incomplete, and doesn't correspond precisely to the project file.