Junos Pulse Client For Mac Os X

Recently the Juniper Networks Junos Pulse client software I use to connect to a work VPN stopped workingon my MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.5, aka 'Mountain Lion'. After the problem first occurred, whenever I started the Junos Pulse programwhich is at version 5.0.3, I would see a window with no connectionslisted whereas previously I would see the work VPN connection witha Connect

Mac OS X endpoints can connect to SRX Branch series SRX100-SRX650 gateways that are running a Junos OS release between v10.2 and v12.3, and that have dynamic VPN access enabled and configured. SRX gateways do not support deployment of the Pulse Secure client. Requires Pulse Secure client for Mac 5.0R3 or later and OS X 10.8 or later.

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button to the right of it. So I clicked on the plus sign, i.e.+, at the bottom left-hand corner of the window to add a newconnection, since the client seemed to have 'forgotten' the information for theVPN. I left the type set to 'UAC or SSL-VPN' and put in the server URL, whichwas in the form of https://fqdn where

Junos Pulse Vpn Client Mac Os X Download

fqdn is thefully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the VPN server. I then gave the connection a name inthe 'Name' field.

But whenever I then clicked on the Connect or Addbutton in the Junos Pulse client, I would see the message below:

Junos Pulse

Junos pulse client for mac os x el capitanJunos Pulse Client For Mac Os X

Failed to connect to the Juniper Unified Network Service.

I checked the log for the Junos Pulse VPN client software at/private/var/log/Juniper Networks/Logging/debuglog.log and sawmany 'JamUI' Connection to UIModelService plugin failed - service may not be running' messages.

I had tried the steps at Junos Pulse VPN Client Issue on Mac OS X a couple of days ago when the problem first started, sinceI had been able to resolve a prior problem with the Junos Pulseclient application with those steps. This time I entered just thecommands below:

I then saw the following in the JunOS Pulse window:

When I clicked on the Connect button, I saw 'Failed' appear in theJunos Pulse client window.


When I clicked on the pencil icon, which appears to the rightof the plus and minus signs at the bottom of the Junos Pulse clientwindow, to edit the information for the VPN server, I saw theName and Server URL fields were blank. The Savebutton was now appearing rather than the Add button, though.I filled in those fields with the information I had entered beforeand clicked on Connect.

I was then able to connect successfully to the VPN. I had todisconnect in order to be able to save the information. Afterdisconnecting, I clicked on the pencil icon to edit it and chose Save.

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Created: Tuesday November 11, 2015