How Fix Ssh Problem For Os X

Do you have System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login enabled on the destination Mac?

I even manually deleted the old SSH password entry in the mac os x keychain, and it still somehow works. 'ssh-keygen -y -f /.ssh/idrsa' asks for a password, but doing 'ssh -i /.ssh/idrsa 23' works without a password. I am now thoroughly confused on what is going on here.

If 'Yes', then do you have a system where ssh DOES work? If so, then try 2 ssh diagnostic commands:

ssh -v -v -v DavidSmith@


ssh -v -v -v

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Now compare the output from each ssh command, and see where the failing ssh command goes bad. The debugging messages in and around the failure should give you a clue about what is going wrong.

How Fix Ssh Problem For Os Xp

On the destination Mac ( you can also look in the logs 'sshd' messages. Applications -> Utilities -> Console -> system.log (search for 'sshd')

How Fix Ssh Problem For Os X 7

Apr 21, 2015 11:55 AM