Best Productivity Apps For Mac Os X

A lot of people, usually baby boomers, assume that technology is only a nuisance or a cause for concern. There tends to be a discourse about the usefulness of the technology compared to the old work habits of the pre-tech work.

Well, it is possible to be productive while using technology. It is false that having a digital device will distract you or make you lazy. You see, there are a lot of apps out now that actually help improve your productivity. There are some especially good ones for your Mac.

Do you own a Mac device and long for a way to properly structure your daily routine and work ethics? Well, here are 15 of the most amazing productivity apps that can be found for Mac devices. I will explain what they are as well as how they work to amplify productivity. I have split the apps into basic categories to make it easier to find what you need.

10 Best Free Productivity Apps for macOS 10.14 1) PDFelement for Mac PDFelement for Mac is one of the best productivity apps for Mac for various reasons. One, you can. 2) 1PASSWORD 1PASSWORD has a reputation for being one of the best Mac OS apps for developers. Why is this the case? There are a wealth content of apps arriving and updating on Mac App Store every single day, which makes it nearly impossible to keep track on the latest and greatest. We've compiled the best of the best Mac apps 2020 that remember your passwords, organize your notes or to-dos, make data backup, edit the media files, and connect your friends etc.

Apps that Alter Your Screen to Your Liking:

  1. Spectacle:

Have you ever wanted to look at a multiple neatly displayed windows on your mac device? If you have ever owned a Windows computer than you know that there is a function that allows for the windows to be sized and snapped together almost seamlessly; from corners to sides, and stacked atop one another.

It may seem like a small feature, but being able to customize your screen and tabs in a way that allows you to do multiple things in one can be quite helpful for work. Imagine being able to customize the size of your tabs in a way that lets you, say, watch an important video, do research, as well as write a paper. You can do this for whatever you may want to look at, and for free!

Spectacle is a free app that implements this small feature, as Apple has sadly not been able to implement it itself, and takes up only a small portion of space; about 5MB. You can customize your tabs by using a variety of short-cuts and key combinations.

  1. Bartender:

This cleverly named app is another one that provides you the ability to customize your Mac screen in a more pleasant and productive manor. This app provides the function that allows you to either hide your pesky menu bar or to re-arrange it to your liking.

What I mean by that is that you can click and drag the menu items to wherever you may want them, hide items from the menu bar, and add items from third-party sources to the menu. Your menu can be yours; packed with what you need for your daily or work life.

Like a bartender, it mixes and matches whatever you want into one beautiful place. Sounds helpful, right? Now, Bartender is not free, but it does have a free trial. If you do not want to pay about $15.50 for this app before trying it, then I would recommend getting the trial and seeing if it works well for you.

  1. Short Menu:

Slightly similar to Bartender, this app also gives you the ability to edit the menu of your Mac device. But, this one is, instead, about storing any URLs that you may need in the future. Short Menu allows you to keep shortened versions of the URLs in your menu like shortcuts so you can come back to them whenever.

You no longer have to worry about losing crucial URLs as they will be stored on your menu for when you need them next. All you have to do is copy the URL, put it into Short Menu, and bravo!

Short Menu is not a free app, but it does feature a free trial if you do not want to pay right away. A lot of people like testing out the app first, and that makes sense. So, while this app costs a measly $3, you can still test it out for free first.

  1. Helium:

Similar to the first app, Helium allows you to view multiple browsers on one screen, making it easy if you only have a single monitor. Helium is very different though, as it allows for there to be a single floating browser on your screen. This floating browser is not affected by mouse clicking and you can even change the opacity of it so you can work on the initial browser.

When would this be useful? Well, a lot of people enjoy watching videos or reading while working, and they cannot keep switching from browser to browser. Helium allows you to watch your video or read while also working, without the browser being minimized by your mouse. If you want to close Helium, you press the Command key and the Tab key.

Helium is completely free, so you do not have to worry about spending money. Now, enjoy doing two things at once!

Apps that Add Minor Changes:

  1. Near Lock:

Game Apps For Mac

Near Lock is an interesting app and, while it only offers a single function, it can help with productivity. See, Near Lock allows you to lock and unlock your Mac device simply by leaving and entering the room. It does this as long as you have your phone with you and the companion app downloaded on there. You set a threshold and, as long as you are in the threshold with your phone, you will be able to automatically unlock your Mac.

Near Lock is both free and paid. There is a free version of the app, but, as it is free, it does not work as efficiently. To use the free app you cannot have the Near Lock app on your phone in the background, it will only work if you have the app out and ready at all times. So, it is easier to buy the app for about $4.

  1. F.lux:

Another app that provides a simple but wonderful function is f.lux. Do you spend a lot of time staring at your draining blue screen at night? Do you continue to stare at the blinding light with blood-shot eyes? Well, you are not alone. The blue light of the Mac screen can be quite painful when it is dark, and f.lux found a way to fix that.

If you download f.lux, then your screen will automatically become less blue and blinding once the sun sets. You can customize it completely, so you can choose how much it tones down as well as how fast. It is very helpful for night owls that spend hours doing work at night.

F.lux is free, which is amazing as it really does help a lot of people with its screen function.

  1. Apptivate:

Apptivate is a very helpful app for those that tend to switch through many tabs frequently. I, personally, always have a large assortment of tabs and applications open when I am using my computer, and it can be quite tedious having to find them and click on and off of them.

Apptivate makes the search easier and eliminates the time taken searching for the various tabs. All you have to do is assign a specific key to the tab you want and voila. Click on the key and the tab will magically open. If you switch between applications this can be quite helpful. No matter how many you have, you can keep track of them and ensure that you never lose what you really need.

Apptivate is free to use, so do not worry about price and simply enjoy it.

Apps to Stay Organized:

  1. Ulysses:

A really common use for your laptop or computer is for typing, of course. A lot of people type out essays, novels, and notes on their device, instead of writing everything out on paper. Well, finding a text editor that works efficiently can be hard to do. You can markup your file, export it, and there is even a live preview function.

Ulysses is a sleek, well-made text editor that allows you to flawlessly export your files into many different forms. No matter what you export your file to, it always looks exactly like how you initially formatted it. Isn’t that amazing?

This app costs money, sadly, but it is worth it. If you do not want to commit $42 before trying out the app then you can try out the free trial and see if it is right for you and your writing needs.

  1. Fantastical:

Fantastical is a good alternative to the already available Calendar app. It is easier to use and even has an assortment of voice functions. Unlike the original Calendar app, you can input your events by simply saying something along the lines of, “dinner tomorrow at 6.”

The app will not only understand exactly what you said but also be able to fill in any other details to have the event appear smoothly. It fills in a form and ensures that you remember about the event before it happens. It can also understand when you type words like “at” in terms of places and times. It will make an event based on what you are typing.

Like a lot of the apps in this article, it costs some money (approximately $45) but comes with a free trial in case you do not want to commit to it right away. It is definitely worth getting if you want a better Calendar to use.

  1. 1Password:

This is one of my favourite apps because, personally, I am incredibly forgetful when it comes to passwords! I always forget what my passwords are, especially when I have to put numbers and capital letters in it. So, I find this especially useful.

1Password saves all of your passwords for you in “vaults” and groups that you can create. You can have different groups for different types of passwords. Never again do you have to worry about forgetting what your password is! What it does is it not only saves your password but it also inputs them on your websites so you do not have to type anything in.

Yet again this is an app that you have to pay for, but it comes with a free trial to allow you to ensure that you like it first. The paid version comes in a form of a plan, though, and the pricing varies based on what plan it is that you buy.

The cheapest plan is $5 a month with special upgrades and access or about $65 in a single payment without upgrades. I would look into which one is better for you and your needs. The $5 plan does allow you to have up to 5 people that use the app as well as the mobile app, so it sounds like a pretty good deal if you do not mind monthly subscriptions.

  1. Alfred:

Do you know the sassy butler from Batman? Alfred, the guy that kept Batman alive and well. Well, that is a super fitting name for this app. Alfred the app is a butler for your Mac device; it has so many features and is super good at keeping you organized.

Alfred will help you find files in your device, search the web, and even give you definitions of words that you are unsure of. Plus, it will help you spell words that you are unsure of too. You can just ask your handy Alfred to find whatever you need for you and to give you the information needed to help with your work.

Along with all of that, Alfred can also handle various computer system commands, such as “empty the trash folder” or “sleep”. You no longer have to click the buttons and can simply ask Alfred to do it for you. This handsfree way of using your device keeps you organized and able to do other tasks.

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Best Productivity Apps For Mac Os X 10 13 Download

The paid license for Alfred is $23, but there is a free version if you do not want to pay for it.

  1. OmniFocus:

OmniFocus is another useful app as it works as a super powerful, digital to-do-list that you cannot lose or spill water on. This to-do list is one that you will not lose or simply forget about. You can assign tasks, organize them according to the type of task in personalized groups, and even have it keep track of deadlines as well as how important each task is.

Having this digital to-do list is a great way to keep track of all assignments and work that you have to get down each day, but it is not as simple to use as it sounds at first. It does take some learning and can be overwhelming, but once you get the hang of it, it can be very helpful in everyday life. There is even a guide if you are too overwhelmed and need instant help.

This app is a paid one with a 14-day trial period. The paid licenses start at $40.

  1. Pocket:

Earlier in this article I mentioned having a cluttered screen due to having too many tabs. Well, this app can help you limit how many tabs and applications you have open by saving them in a neat folder for later. You do not have to open the link and keep it there until you have time to look for it. Instead, you can simply save all links and files needed and look at them whenever you have the time.

Pocket is a free app, so no need to worry about cost and spending money. You can use it whenever you want or need to.

  1. Toggle:

It is very easy to lose track of time while working, or while taking a break. Many people often find themselves looking at the time and wondering, “what happened?” Well, Toggle is an app that manages and keeps time for you. It can help with goals, work productivity, or just to see how long it takes you to do various tasks during the day.

You can buy various plans for Toggle, starting at $9 based on what you get. It is a nifty app and is worth buying if you tend to lose track of time easily.

DeClutter Your Computer:

  1. Hazel:

I know that this is the only app in this category, but it really stands out from the rest so I had to put it somewhere else. Hazel, unlike the other apps, can help declutter your busy computer and help keep you organized in a different way. It is automated and helps keep your file folders clean. If you tend to download a lot of files and no longer have a need for them, then Hazel will clear them out without you even having to say so. There are a variety of rules with it, but you can find guides on that and learn how to keep it running smoothly.

It will only clear files from the folders that you tell it too, so you do not have to worry about losing important files. It can be personalized and will do what you need it to do.

There is a free trial, but other than that it does cost $32.


Being productive does not have to be difficult or costly; in fact, it can be incredibly simple and free. If you want to be productive, then I hope that these apps helped show you how easy it really is. You can get your life together and work more efficiently than ever before just by downloading a few Mac apps.

Now, you can be productive with the touch of a button, or a few buttons. Enjoy your new apps and I hope that you see your productivity sky-rocket thanks to these 15 Mac apps! If you do not want to spend money then remember that there are plenty of free apps and that, sometimes, you have to spend a little if you want better quality. Free trials are a big help though! If it helps you work better than it may be worth it, right?

Prove everyone wrong and show them how you and your mac can make a strong, well-oiled machine that gets work done quickly and efficiently.

The iPad has differentiated itself from the iPhone so much that there now needs to be a separate version of iOS for it, appropriately dubbed iPadOS. But it's not just the operating system itself that helps you become more productive with your iPad, it's the apps! Here are some of the best productivity apps for your iPad that we found on the App Store.


When it comes to productivity, the first thing you're going to think of is a task manager. Things combines beauty and power with plenty of flexibility to suit your needs.

Unlike other task managers, Things is never complicated and doesn't need a lot of time to learn and start using. You create Areas with Projects under them, and then add in your project tasks. There's always a circle for your projects to show your progression, and all tasks can be given a due date, tagged, have a checklist if necessary, and even flagged for deadlines. Everything can be moved around via drag-and-drop, and there are intuitive gestures to get things where they need to be.

I've been using Things as my daily driver task manager for the past few years, and it makes managing my tasks easier than ever. It's also available on iPhone and Mac.


The second thing you may think about when being productive is your schedule. After all, how are you supposed to get things done if you don't have a calendar to put down all of your important events and such?

Fantastical is my favorite calendar app on iPad, as well as my iPhone and Macs. With Fantastical, you get a beautiful and streamlined interface that is as easy on the eyes as it is to use. You can view the weekly ticker, the entire month, as well as your upcoming agenda all at once on the iPad. Creating new events or reminders (integrates with Apple's Reminders app) is super easy thanks to the natural language input system that it uses. And if you ever need to search for something, the handy search feature lets you go through all of your events, whether past, current, or future.


Email can be a pain, but Spark is an app that helps make managing your inbox easier.

With Spark, you can add multiple email accounts and manage them all at once with Spark's Smart Inbox system. This organizes all of your emails into separate categories: Personal, Notifications, and Newsletters. You can also turn on Smart Notifications per account, which will only alert you to messages from senders that you may not want to miss out on, rather than being bombarded with notifications for everything. It also has other useful features like scheduling emails for later, snoozing, pinning important messages, search, integrations with many third-party apps and services, and much more.

I've been using Spark for years, and it definitely helps me with managing my mess of an inbox.


Scanning important documents to have a digital copy should be something that all of us are doing. But having a physical scanner may not be something that all of us have. Fortunately, there's Scanbot.

With Scanbot, you can launch the app and use your iPad's camera right away to scan a document. It's very good at detecting sheets of paper and will get the edges right and all that in a matter of moments. If not, the app tells you to get closer and to not move so that it can capture the scan nicely. Scanbot supports multiple page documents, has filters that you can apply that affect the scan quality (if you want it like a color photo or just black and white, etc.), and works with various third-party cloud storage solutions for uploading. You can organize all of your scans into folders right in Scanbot itself, and there is also a faxing functionality if you need it.


If you intend on being productive, you can't go without some kind of writing or text editing app, right? And Bear is a great option to consider.

Bear gives you a stunningly beautiful and simple interface that won't interfere with your writing. In fact, it'll help you focus more on the words, rather than tinkering around with various settings as you write. You can even drop in images directly into your documents, as well as web clips, files, sketches and drawings, and more. Bear also makes use of tags for organization, and the search functionality helps you find exactly what you need.

Bear is free to download and use, with some limitations. If you want to get the most out of Bear, including access to different themes, full iCloud syncing, advanced Export options, and more, you'll need to get Bear Pro. Pro costs $1.49 a month, or $15 a year.

Best Free Productivity Apps


While Apple includes Files in iPadOS now, you may still need something that's more robust and powerful than the default option. That's when you need Documents by Readdle.

This all-in-one file hub can replace your document viewer, PDF reader, 'read it later,' music and video player, file downloader, cloud integrator, and more. You can pull in your files stored on a variety of third-party services, including iCloud, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, and more. Documents does everything you would need it to with your files, including zipping and unzipping, editing and creating, viewing, sharing, storing, and more. All of your stuff can also be protected with a password too, in case you don't want others getting into your files.


If you're on an iPad, you may be working with multiple apps at once. And when you need to get some items from one app to another, there is no better app for the job than Yoink.


Yoink is essentially a place to temporarily store items that you want to use later in another app. It helps eliminate the need to go back-and-forth so much and streamlines the process. The best way to use Yoink is to have it as a Slide Over app on top of two other apps that you're working in with Split View mode. Drag items like photos and video clips, text, files, web snippets, URLs, emails, and other items into Yoink to store them temporarily. Then move Yoink over and drag those items into your destination app.

To make things even easier, Yoink also has a keyboard so you can move items stored in Yoink into other apps without having to launch Yoink. There's even iCloud syncing for all of your items, Handoff support, an action extension, and more. Yoink is one of those apps that you'll wonder how you did without.


Copied is similar to Yoink, but it is more of a clipboard manager, but it's excellent to have if you're constantly dealing with copy and paste all day long.

Best Windows 10 Productivity Apps

With Copied, you're able to view everything that you've copied onto your iPad's clipboard, and go back and copy them again with ease. This applies to everything, from text, URLs, and images. Copied even lets you edit text with rich formatting if need be, and all of your clippings get synced between your iPads, iPhones, and Macs with iCloud. There is also an intuitive drag-and-drop interface if you prefer working that way.


Believe it or not, but your iPad doesn't come with a calculator app built-in. Shocking, right? Fortunately, there's an app for that, and PCalc is one of the best.

Productivity Tools Mac

PCalc is an incredibly powerful calculator app that will benefit scientists, students, engineers, programmers, and anyone else who needs a feature-rich calculator app. Some of its features include RPN mode, multi-line display, customizable button layouts, extensive sets of unit conversions and constants, paper tape, multiple undo and redo, engineering and scientific notation, as well as hexadecimal, octal, and binary calculation support.

There is a free version with some limitations that you can unlock with in-app purchases, or you can go for the full version for a single, flat-rate price of $10.

What are your favorites?

These are just some of our favorite apps for being productive on the iPad. What are your favorites? Let us know in the comments.

Top Apps For Productivity

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